Bellaire: 713.661.9777 | Sweetwater: 281.277.9777

Comfort Cross–Well Worn Phrases


SKU: CCWW Categories: , Share:

Handcrafted from repurposed antique quilts, these unique crosses are artistically embellished to bring comfort to your clients. Each piece is one-of-a-kind, with varying colors, patterns, and decorations. As I pray over you or your store and the future recipients, I trust the Holy Spirit to guide my heart and hands.

Stores : Phrases on the crosses may include: “Always with you,” “Praying for you,” “Amazing Grace,” “Grace Wins,” “Be Still,” “Blessed and Loved,” “Mercy Is More,” “More Like Jesus,” “You Are Held,” “Nothing Is Impossible,” “Grace + Glory,” “Praise Him,” and many more. Each cross is adorned with an appropriate verse.

Available in Weighted / Unscented or Lavender

Weight 1.0000 lbs
Dimensions 0.0000 × 0.0000 × 0.0000 in

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